Friday, August 17, 2012

Stalkers of the Related Variety.

Sorry for not updating the shiznat outta my blog dolls. I have been on the lookout of any one from my family stalking my blog, because you know if someone sees something they'll report it back to the dictators (being my two parents). Dealing with the house hold 5-0 is never pleasant. Laying low is how I've dealt with the situation at hand. I've been waiting until those couple of views from family are long gone before I decided to post again.

Anyways, besides that sketchy business, I've decided to bring another Dirty Top Ten to you guys :)

10) D$B got new hair!!! I went to the salon yesterday and got over a hundred dollars worth of stuff done to it. It looks a freaking mazing. I decided to get black underneath and a red and blonde weave on top. Lots of different colors and layers.

9) Got some kick a** locker decorations!!! This year my locker is going to be decked out with pink zebra print wall paper and a lil' mini lamp and matching accessories :) This year is gonna f***ing rock.

8) Ordered me some Awkward. T-shirts, like five of them. They are all awesome.

7) Dad bought us a side by side. It's a Can-Am Commander X. Pretty hot wheels if I do say so my self.

6) Registration is on freaking Monday, I still havent got a damn thing in the mail for it and here it is friday. The friday before registration. I bet a lot of people wont show up at all. The school needs to realize how slow our post office is at practically everything they do.

5) Teen Wolf freaking ended. What am I gonna do for the rest of my life? Well besides watch Awkward. The finale was pretty epic. I really hope next season focuses on more of Jackson and Lydia instead of freaking Allison and Scott. I hate them.

4) Over Attached Girlfriend is the funniest page on Facebook right now. It's a site ran by all these guys. They are hilarious and verrry attractive. check the page out :)


2).... Sorry I'm cheating.

1)  OMFG!!! Did anyone else watch the latest episode of Awkward?? I literally was crying of happiness!!! YAY Matty and Jenna!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Little Poem

We were the white knights,
The princes of promise.
They gave us our trust,
We took care of their hearts,
Until, our hearts swept with desire,
Our swords came our of their sheaths,
Drawing back with the unknowing hands,
And pierced the objects of our protection.
The hearts of out princesses lay on the ground,
Broken and bleeding.
The Knights are dethroned,
Becoming eternal princes of the dark,
No princess can ever trust their heart to the princes of the night.
Only a true King can be have the honor,
Of taking care of a mending heart.
A King is a prince that stood his desire,
And carried the heart until his protection was unwanted.
Only the one's capable of feeling the pain,
Can heal the pain.