Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rubbed Raw and Reeling

You may've noticed the title to this entry is the same title used in the pilot episode on Awkward. in Jenna's blog. There was a little thought put behind my title choice for tonight. The season premiere of the beloved show did just that, rubbed me raw and left me reeling.
Frustrated as I am, with Jenna's choice and the outcome of last seasons cliffhanger, I still love the show. What can I say? It cracked my hard candy shell and has me oozing with sticky sweet love.
Events you need to be aware of before watching this new epi:

  • Jenna's mom wrote the carefrontation letter (or so we all think based on solid evidence) 
  • She chose Jake over Matty at the formal. I'm gonna pulla Tamara and go ahead and Ugly Cry on this one. :.....(
  • Outside of the show, Molly Tarlov (ArchNem Sadie) has lost the weight. Great. Now she'll probably just get worse.
  • Lissa forgave Jenna and is now trying to be her friend.
  • Matty is still irrevocably in love with Jenna. Still Ugly Crying!!! I Love You Matty!!!!
The Object of My Affection


The pluses and the minuses of the episode, "Resolutions", is directly related to how you feel about the show. If you are Team Matty than you will be just as bummed after the show as I am. On the other hand, if blondie is more your style, than you are probably in love with the show right now.

What to look forward to:
  • Jake finding out that Matty was the one to give Jenna the Hymen Hammer.
  • Uh-Oh!!! The Sanctuary had a security camera up the whole time!! Lots of juice was caught on tape. ;) Maybe some Matty Jenna action too.
  • Jenna going to Church camp!!! Haha OMG!!
  • And hopefully Matty making an uber bold move to win back Jenna's heart. I'm thinking he should go Heath Ledger status from Ten Things I Hate About You. Marching band, PA system, corny love song, the whole shebang. 

As much as I hate the fact that Jenna chose Jake, I'm still waiting in anticipation for next weeks episode. I'm reeling for more of my Matty. There is no way around loving this show. Jenna is my inspiration to take control of my life and to do things the way I want them to be done. Be bold and make people look, not for the bad but show them that you can exceed their expectations while being who you are. She is the reason I am writing this now. I can't stress this enough!! If you haven't watched this show, head on one to and catch an episode or two, you won't regret it, you will be hooked.

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