Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Situation of Being a Good Friend

Shocking Revelation: Honesty might just be the best policy.
The Story:  A few months ago (like in May) I was crushing hard on one of my better guy friends(I had previously had a relationship with him a couple of years ago), but the fear of rejection stood in my way of revealing my feelings. Feeling out of his league, I sat my self down on the bench of cowardice where I was able to admire from a distance. I made the mistake of biding my time until someone else came along with a bigger pair of balls than I. That person just so happened to be one of my best friends (no one from my school). Being the amazing friend that I am, I took a step aside and told her I was cool with it. Truth was, I was anything but cool with it. And satirically enough I was the person she came to for advice on the flirtationship that arose from the two. Call me Oprah. While I am texting my mom and the occasional loser that tries to hangout with me -(in this sentence I am talking about the guys I talk to, not my friend)-, she is talking to that guy. That guy who is sweet, that guy who is caring, that guy who I f-ing liked first.
I guess my predicament is no ones fault except my own, if I had not been such a p*ssy maybe things would've worked out differently. Being a slave to my own internal devices was a mega problem. I need to bust free of the hold my fear of rejection places on me and actually take a chance with life.

PS_This has nothing to do with any of my 'friends' at my school, and by the way If you would assume I was hating on you before asking me about it than you obviously weren't much of a friend in the first place. And thanks for the unnecessary drama, you made me lose two friends but gain about two hundred page views,


  1. A good friend really maybe you shouldnt have told her to go ahead and go for the guy, and why wait till now seems like you should have said something a long time ago? thats not fair to do to your friends, do you honestly think that she isnt gonna see this? you call her your best friend and then turn around and call her a loser that sometimes trys to hang out with you and text you? sounds like you need to read the best friend manual a few more times.This isnt going to regain your friendships all its doing is losing their respect and trust along with everyone else who actually cares about them. If your going to talk about your "friend's" why not just tell them instead of "going behind their backs?" And that video about your other friend didnt do too much for you either. and you know when she does your going to loose her as a friend too.

    1. Oh and yeah... Nanabooboo go stick your head in doodoo... arguing with someone as severely immature is pointless. hahahahhahhahhahhahhahhah. Unfazed. and just curious, who da fuq do you think I'm talking about?

    2. Oh and BTW sasquatch, The girl I was talking about in the video knows how I feel and we ARE best friends bee-otch. Find some better shit to do than troll my blog you debbie MOFO-ing downer. Get some meds or something.

    3. ohhh i see where your join with that.... haha i was calling the guys that i talk too losers not my friend. Maybe you shouldn't assume. You know what they say about assuming....

    4. Oh and PS.. You're one of those people who are only alive because it's illegal to kill you. Just sayin',

    5. annd lil bitch, if you don't know how to take it don't deal it out, I can do this shit all night.

  2. I didnt say anything bad about my friend... i still am her friend. And how is this dissing anyone? Maybe u should stop hiding behind the 'anonymous' profile. This isnt about anyone in particular either. Get a life. Most of my blogging is fiction rtard.

  3. Haha I know right? I wonder who it is? It has to be someone we know....

  4. definitley, they just dont want you to know! lol But it makes it more interesting.

  5. i think i know who. I can almost hear their voice saying it. almost 100% sure

  6. wow you arent who we thought you were..... shows that you can think you know someone and be completely wrong im more upset that you would take it this far dont consider us your friends anymore.

  7. This just awkward when I found out who "Anonymous" was. Not so funny anymore..

  8. yeah, but the funny part is that i was thinking it was the person who i actually wrote the article about...haha. but I guess to each her own. If you wanna read something and automatically assume it's about you with out asking me than I guess it's your problem.
