Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Newest Obsession

I have discovered a whole new world in which I can bury myself with in. X-Men. I know it's old but my parents have completely different tastes in movies than I do. My mom is a person who judges books by their cover and finds things wrong with every little thing (very annoying). I am the kind of person that looks for more information when I'm watching a movie. My favorite part of the movie is not the action sequences or the climax, but it's the intimate dialogue throughout the movie. The dialogue is where you really get to know the characters.  After watching Xmen first class and X1 and X2, I do believe First Class is by far my favorite of all. In the original Xmen's Proffesior X and Magneto are just the mysterious pillars of the good and the bad sides. First Class puts you right up in their face and makes you relate to them. I really connected to Magneto. I have no idea why, Michael Fassbender must just be an amazing actor. (not to mention hawwwt). The whole move just fell perfectly for me. LOVED IT.

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