Sunday, June 24, 2012

If you don't like help, don't ask for it.

Being a good friend is sometimes not what some people need.  I have this one friend who refuses to listen to the voice of reason and instead goes around doing the things that she says she doesn't want to be doing. As soon as she gets done partying or being with this guy, she feels like crap and comes balling to me, saying sh*t like how she doesn't have any good friends and doesn't want people to use her any more. Since I'm trying to be a good friend, I'll tell her that she's better than that and that she does have lots of good friends. Truth is I'm lying. It's nobody's fault but your own sweetheart. You cause all this drama and you decide to hang out with the losers who sleep with your boyfriend. Something does not add up. If you want YOUR life to change than YOU have to be the one to change it. Sorry but thats the truth. If you don't like it keep lying to yourself, it will just hurt you more.

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