As a 17 year-old girl, who is a junior, who is getting ready for my first prom, I was needin' a date as well as freakin' the fuck out. My first date I had in line was the cretin from the previous post.
I'll play a little catch up on that sitch. The day after the party everything was fine, he seemed totally cool when we went back to get my clothes and my hopes were up, maybe I hadn't made too much of an ass of myself the night before... I waited and waited for a text... desperate much, I know, but I'm not afraid to admit it. Girl's gotta dream.
Still zilch from Mr. Adorable Redneck. Then approx two days later I pulled into the gas station I always go to and guess who just happened to be there??? You Know Who. In his little ford ranger. WTF was I supposed to do? I acted like I didn't see him for a few minutes and then when I caught him giving my car the up and down, I smiled and waved. He waved back. That's the last time I ever communicated with the ass munch.
Side note: It's totes cool to just hook up in my opinion. Absolutely ay-okay. But just ya know, fuckin' tell me that. Don't drag on the bullshit. Don't put your arm around me in the movie theater, tell me all about your mommy and daddy issues, ask me everything about me, do the whole kiss goodnight thing and get me to fucking like you just to do that shit. NOT COOL. I'm one of those people that don't really let a lot of people get that close and when I do you're fuckin' lucky. And just to pull that shit... It's a pain in my ass. Makes me hate people even more.
Moreover, prom was approaching swift and steady and I still had no date. And my naggy friend with a boyfriend would not get off my back about it. I finally did some digging of my own and cyber hacked my way into getting my other "anti-prom friend" (same friend I took to the party from last post) to go to prom with my group. The hot-bearded guy she was makingout with at the party was more than down to crash our prom. He even ditched out on some other girl to go with my friend. So hear she is, all anti-prom with a hot date at the ready. Fuck, I couldn't even beg for a date. Lucky bitch.
My dress was full out Cinderella, fluff and all. I had so much money riding on this one night it was ridiculous.
I had been hanging out with my friend, lets call her Kat and her boyfriend Chit like everyday. I was the perfect third wheel. It was never awkward. Finally one day Chit thought he found me a prom date... Two problems, he had a girlfriend (not my problem, I just wanted him for prom pictures) and he couldn't grow hair (okay, kinda looks like Mr. Clean). But I was cool with it. The plan was to go as friends and just have a PG rated good time as a group.
Mr. Clean dropped out like a week away from prom. I had already bought his ticket and everything. God dammit. Apparently he was only going because him and his girlfriend were fighting. Tool-tastic.
In a rush, My friend Ashley put her older brother up to the task of being my date. What a brave soul, the rest had dropped like flies.
We got Thomas fitted for his suit and ready to go.
The day before prom, everything was falling into place, Kat and I got our pimped out prom ride all spick and span. And then it was time for a sleep over at my house. The parents went for a night at a casino so it was party time. Kat, Chit and I mobbed through my small town, misplacing traffic cones, strutting through the adult shop, and just raising hell (a very small, sober hell). That was one of the funnest nights I've ever had. I was even getting over my cold or so I thought.