10) Fake nails!! I uber love em but they are the dickens when they keep poppin off. OH Jesus wheres my glue?? Espec. when you're chasing tennis balls in PE and a nail pops off in the middle of a game.
9) Passing my knowledge test at the DMV. Pros: I passed. Duh. Cons: that means I have to take my driving test. (bites nails). sooooo nervous.
8) Like 11 days of school left. this year flew by like no other. kinda creepy. I'm a Junior after a few weeks. Bella was a Jr. when she met Edward. (sigh) No such luck for this chick. Been boyfriend free for a lonnnnnnngggg time.
7) Learned how to operate the foil printer for annual like a champ. Excited for next year, I have so many knew ideas I would like to bring to the table. But it's gonna be a super busy year next year with all of my classes. Elective choices: Annual, Photography, and either Art or Journalism. I can't make up my mind. I wish we had eight periods in the day :/....
6) Debbie Downer: Russel Brand is hosting MTV movie awards. BOO. I miss Jason Sudekis (?). He was actually funny and not just extremely offensive. I have no clue what some people see in him. (He looks like he would smell)
5) City wide garage sale is tomorrow. Yay me and the old people in my town. It's that one special day of the year when my grandpa takes me and my brother down town, gives us each ten bucks (hey, thats like at least a hundred dollars in garage sale money) and lets us run free while he gets stuck talking to people he knows. Gonna get me some books man!!
4) Stephanie Plum!! just started the series and so far so good. I would recommend the series to my friends :). Yummy Joseph Morelli
3) Had some Red Robin Chicken Bruschetta Samwhich today (f*ck yeah).
2) Watched like five episodes of Hot in Cleveland with my mom and laughed my self silly. Haha Im giggling about it now just thinking about it. I know, I'm like an old lady. I don't need to be reminded.
1) Been looking at stuff online about portland for like the whole week. Its such a gorgeous city. I hope I getta go to the college there. Thats my dream. Its close to home but just far enough that its completely different.
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