Sunday, March 24, 2013

Crazy, Beautiful, Life

It's a party, it's a passion. I'm throwing up pretty and plastered.

The 99 Club

The youth of America would rather spit down blasphemous gossip than put pride in the will of others,
We would rather dedicate our time to turning our peers into emotional ruin than try to make them feel welcome, we put forth the energy to destruct people around us without worrying about picking up the pieces. We leave our walls up stronger than ever in hopes that no one will knock us down and by doing that brick by brick, it gets harder to let any one in. Each brick to your fortress gets you farther from the pain that others inflict. You start not caring and become immune to the cruelties of the world. You become so weathered by the pain inflicted that you don't notice any of the love. The tiny one percent that doesn't want to tear you down. The one percent that tries picking up the pieces left by the other ninety-nine. The one percent that tries to make the lives of others better by taking the time to climb over those brick walls.
In truth the other ninety-nine isn't what we consider evil, we are the 99%. The people who gossip, talk behind peoples backs, spread the cruelty around to everyone like syphillus. The 99 that find amusement in others pain. Remember, every time you laugh at the cost of someone else, there is one more brick added to that persons wall of distrust. One more step away from love and trust for that person. Think before you speak 99.
For we all can be one.

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