Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Slowed Down and Cut Off.

I am starting to get uber frustrated like yesterday. Nothing seems to be working for me these days.
First, I go to sync my ipod to find that is completely full with gun apps that my brother has bogged it down with and to top it off, it is running at turtle speed due to everything he's done to it.
Now our internet is slowing down. I hate that Century link only offers 12 mpbs. It's a complete waste of my time waiting for it. I would rather have dial up. GAAAAWW...
The only good part of my day is that my mom bought me some organic greek yogurt. <3 Yummo.
I think I might just have to wring my brothers neck the next time I see him for ruining my baby. How am I going to do my portfolio nowwww???

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