Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fifty Shades of Awkward...

Ok, as a beloved Twilight fan and an avid reader of all that is mooshy gooshy, everyone and their dog has recommended Fifty Shades of Grey to me. Well I just want you to know that you guys are a bunch of sick f*cks.
Not even to chapter like five and the guy is taking her virginity. Well, that escalated quickly. And right after they do it, she jumps right back on the horse for round two. Nobody does that; it's just nasty.
And to top it all off, I don't see what's so attractive about torture porn. The "Red Room of Pain" just sounds like a bad time, bro. Ya know I can take my fair share of gross ( I did read Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) and this even made my stomach churn in disgust. Who woulda thought someone being raped would be easier to read than some sick, sadistic, trial of BDSM? I could probably take it all if there was a touch more of a realistic plot but no. It's a multi-billionaire who is like twenty-something (ya right) who falls in love with a poor college student.
Maybe if I continue reading into it a little more, I'll have a change of heart, but thats alot of McNasty to pin on somebody in the beginning of a story.

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