Saturday, December 29, 2012


My fancy new camera has kept me away from blogging!Ugh. Who woulda thought?
My new Nikon completes me. I'm not sure how I'll be able to leave him at home during school. Ha! I dont have to! ;) I'm taking Xavier with me everywhere. School, work, hell I'll even sleep with him.

My keyboard is really starting to piss me off. It has a really low battery and keeps reminding me. gawwww Aint nobody got time for that!

Made my friend Alisha a cool new mix. Pretty awesome if I do say so myself.

Took a realllllly long shower. Feelin Fressh :)

Made a bucket list.

Over half way through The Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.
The second one is wayyyyy better than the first. If you're planning on reading them try to remember that and keep it in mind that somewhere they actually do have to fall in love. It's not a completely mindless porno book. I was utterly disgusted reading parts of the first one but then you hit part deuce and it's all awwws and ahhhhwwws from then on out :)

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