My absence is inexcusable but these last two days have majorly sucked a**. I won't go into details as to why, not that I don't trust my normal readers, it's the snoops I'm trying to avoid.
Thursday was probably the worst. After a horrible day I came home and thought that the new episode of Awkward could take me away. Unfortunately it did not. Something needs to happen between Jenna and Matty pronto or my patience is going to be up. And is any body else weirded out by the fact that whatever wait Sadie lost, Jenna gained? I know the show is kinda about your self image but if I had my own TV show I would try to lose weight, not pack it on. I still hope this season picks up because I love the show so much.
On another note, I now can completely sympathize with Jenna about being Anne Franked by a guy you really like. Thats kinda why my fifth of July was so majorly horrible.
No worries. The right guys out there andbodyd be more than lucky