Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sorry I Judge

Anyone wanna get deliciously downright  mean and nasty? ;) Yeah....thought so.

Jesus, there's this one skitchy (skanky b*tch) poser that I know andddd I cannot stand her. She's the type of girl that will screw your boyfriend and then ask to be your best friend afterwards. I've never let her do this to me, but she's ran her way over my friends like the slutty 18-wheeler that she is.  FAKE, FAKE, FAKE. Thats what you see when you look at her and what you hear when you actually have to be close enough to here the cretin talk.  -Quote after just slutting it around the high school---  "OMG, I'm sooooo in love with Jesus. It's like ridiculous!"--- well saying fake sh*t like will get you punched by one of the many that hate you. Dude, I'm not even mad at this person right now. This is just how I feel about her all the time!  Soooo the skitch should tuck her boobs back in her shirt and go preach to someone who obviously doesn't know who the h*ll she is or is just as bad as she is. I have a feeling someones picture might get defaced in my yearbook again this year :)

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