Thursday, April 19, 2012

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire.

Every town has one, whether they lie to get out of trouble, just to cause trouble for others, or to make themselves appeal to others (even if we see beyond their tall tales in the first place).  Unfortunately, where I live, we have one or more of each.  Compulsive or manipulative, which ever it is it's freakin' annoying.
You know when you are stepping over the line when you have to make up rumors about yourself to get people to like you.  Listen here buddy, we might be nice to your face but really as soon as you walk away, you should know you have at least twenty of the meanest insults slammed into you.

I mean, we get how sucky it is to have no friends but if you stopped using people and lying your way in and out of things you might have some annnnnnnnnd  (SPOILER ALERT) they won't want you to get hit by a bus. You're Welcome ;)

Had to have a Sadie moment.

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