Thursday, April 26, 2012

T.G.I.T. Can Suck It.

Today was an awful day. For multiple reasons.

GAAAW.....Every one seemed to be on annoying mode, walking around with a serious case of Jerk-La-Whore.  Including, me. I was in a terrible mood (I hoped nobody noticed).  Every little thing hit me like the dickens.
ANDDD..... Some stuff happened, not major stuff, but it felt like major shizznat when it went down.
I hope you all know how loyal I am to my friends, andd if ya don't, theeeen you OBVS don't know me. If I hear something concerning one of my closest friends and theres even the SLIGHTEST possibility that it might hurt her in someway, I will tell her. In my opinion, everyone deserves to know information about them selves. Holding it back could make things way worse in later events.  I always have my besties backs and I hope they have mine. :)

ANNNd, If you ever hear annnnnnnything about me, I trust you guys to tell me. MUCH MUCH LOVE :)

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