Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dirty Dolla Bill says Hello!

First post of the new blog, I might as well say hi!  This is Dirty Dolla Bill AKA Bree Callahan, or as my friends call me Double-D Bree (See what I did there? It's a play on my rap name and on my, well huh, you get the picture ;).  Actually no one calls me that, but it sounds pretty darn cool. Haha, maybe this will spark the flame for the fame of my new "name".)

The Origin of the Name

Shiny Coppa Penny herself
Goofing around, my friend Carolyn and I, gave ourselves rapper names.  Devices like Care Bear and BreeDog would not suffice for the awesomeness the two of us contain. We chose the monetary route, paying our respects to great 50 Cent (that one really hot black guy thats been shot to hell like six times). So the choices were eliminated down to Shiny Coppa Penny for Carolyn and Dirty Dolla Bill. Geniuses, you might ask? No, just really cool.

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