Friday, April 20, 2012

Snoopers never find anything good...

You can always tell when your mom has been looking through your stuff, every things put in the right place. I just found a prime example of such treachery. I'm about to apply makeup and i notice that all my makeup is in my bag (red flag #1, its usually spread out in a three foot radius from my sink) but i consider that maybe i threw it all in there in haste without remembering. I carry on unloading my cosmetic bag without thinking about it, when BINGO, my eyeshadow brush is in my eyeshadow case. It had been moved, how do I know you might ask? Im the worst offender when it comes to loosing those damn things and I NEVER ever am capable of putting them back. So my theory is either an assassin was hired to look at my every day utensils orrrrr (god forbid) my mom needed some makeup and forgot to ask. Lesson: Dirty Dolla always knows whats up.

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