Saturday, April 28, 2012

Things that P*ss Me Off

Girls with boyfriends. Yeah, thats right I went there. And I'm not talking about the girls that are in a normal relationship with another person. I'm talking about the girls that think the sun shines outta their boyfriends a**hole.  Trust me, it doesn't.  It's so annoying when that is all a person will talk about. It's like holy moly!!! get a life!! If I were talking to you in real life right now, I would be imitating them with a snobby high-pitched voice.  What brought this on wassss one of my friends is like super duper obsessed with her boyfriend annd to top it all off she insists to form her schedule around him. Ha- if it didn't effect me, I couldn't give an F-less but guess what? It has to screw up my entire schedule too bCuzz she is teamed up with me for a project.  Oh good golly miss molly, if I have to hear another thing about not being able to proceed with my original plans because of this, this... issue, I might just have to hurt someone. (not a threat, but I might make you cry, I'm not typically a mean person).  Take your shizznat elsewhere, PUH-LEASE!

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